Child and Adolescent Burn and Trauma Surgery Externship
- Psychology Externship Program
- ADHD & Learning Differences Program
- Allergy Immunology and Long-Haul Covid-19 Externship
- Anxiety and Allergy/Immunology
- Anxiety and Eating Disorders
- Anxiety and Mood Disorders
- Bariatric Surgery and Craniofacial Externship
- Behavioral Parent Training
- Behavioral Sleep Medicine
- Child and Adolescent Burn and Trauma Surgery Externship
- Endocrinology and Diabetes Externship
- Child Development Program Externship
- Child Inpatient Psychiatry Externship
- Early Childhood Behavioral Health
- Eating Disorders
- Gastroenterology
- Headache and Concussion
- Hematology/Oncology
- HIV Services Mental Health Program
- Mood and Trauma
- Pediatric Psychology
- Pediatric Psychology Consult
- Primary Care Behavioral Health Services
- Solid Organ Transplant
- Sports Medicine Externship
- Psychology Externship Program
- ADHD & Learning Differences Program
- Allergy Immunology and Long-Haul Covid-19 Externship
- Anxiety and Allergy/Immunology
- Anxiety and Eating Disorders
- Anxiety and Mood Disorders
- Bariatric Surgery and Craniofacial Externship
- Behavioral Parent Training
- Behavioral Sleep Medicine
- Child and Adolescent Burn and Trauma Surgery Externship
- Endocrinology and Diabetes Externship
- Child Development Program Externship
- Child Inpatient Psychiatry Externship
- Early Childhood Behavioral Health
- Eating Disorders
- Gastroenterology
- Headache and Concussion
- Hematology/Oncology
- HIV Services Mental Health Program
- Mood and Trauma
- Pediatric Psychology
- Pediatric Psychology Consult
- Primary Care Behavioral Health Services
- Solid Organ Transplant
- Sports Medicine Externship
Advanced clinical psychology doctoral students are encouraged to apply to work with the Trauma and Burn Surgery team’s psychology service. This team is multidisciplinary and includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, dietitians, Child Life specialists, postdoctoral fellows and psychologists. Team members work with individual families to assist with medical and behavioral management of the injury and recovery.
About the Externship
This externship offers clinical and research experiences, as well as the opportunity to contribute to program development. Potential experiences are as follows:
- Consultation with families of children with burn and other traumatic injuries. This includes meeting with families as part of their visits in the hospital’s fast-paced outpatient burn clinic. Psychology provides psychoeducation regarding supporting adjustment, psychosocial screening and brief interventions including pain management strategies as well as other behavioral and cognitive strategies. Attending clinic may provide observational and experiences with interdisciplinary team including physicians, nurse practitioners, occupational and physical therapists working with children/families.
- Outpatient evaluation and psychotherapy with children and families. Common referral questions include difficulty adjusting to injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. There are opportunities for training in conducting trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT).
- Consultation and treatment with children who have experienced burn and other traumatic injuries during their inpatient hospitalization. Potential duties include reviewing medical records, interviewing children and families, case conceptualization, recommendations for treatment/referral and providing feedback (verbal and chart notes) to medical team.
- Assistance with and experience in participating and observing program development, with particular tasks including: developing a referral network and developing standardized psychosocial assessment screening program.
- Research opportunities may be available for interested and motivated candidates. Clinical research topics may include topics relating to family adjustment to injury and include skill building opportunities in literature reviews, preparing IRB protocols, obtaining consent, database management and preparing presentations and manuscripts.
- Formal didactic opportunities include psychology externship didactics, multidisciplinary burn rounds, clinical research meetings, psychiatry grand rounds and pediatric grand rounds. Didactic availability depends on the days of the week for externship.
Formal coursework in child assessment and child psychopathology/treatment is required. Prior practicum experience in child or adolescent therapy is also required. Prior work on a multidisciplinary team is preferred.
Number of Available Positions
One externship position will be offered.
How to Apply
Please email a letter of interest, CV/resume and two letters of reference in one combined PDF via email to:
Carrie Tully, PhD | Email | 202-476-4546
Interested applicants should also complete this survey one time, regardless of how many externships you are applying for.
Time Requirements
Available days for externship include Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 16 hours per week.