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Current Fellows

Meet the Neonatal-Perinatal Fellows

    Headshot of Leah Finnegan

    Leah Finnegan, M.D.

    • Medical School: University of Pennsylvania 
    • Residency: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
    • Why Children’s National: I loved that Children’s is a big referral center where I’ll be exposed to high acuity and a wide variety of diseases, but also that we rotate at GW where we do delivery room resuscitation and manage more bread-and-butter NICU patients. I also wanted to gain ECMO experience, and wanted to go somewhere where EMCO is managed in the NICU. Plus, I went to college in DC, and was very excited to come back to this incredible city.
    • Research Interest: Clinical research and quality improvement
    • Fun Fact: I have a fluffy corgi named Strawberry, who I occasionally carry around in a backpack
    Headshot of Anola Stage

    Anola Stage, M.D., IBCLC

    • Medical School: SUNY Upstate
    • Residency: Eastern Virginia Medical School/Kings Daughters 
    • Why Children’s National: Children’s stood out to me as a place where I could have the autonomy I needed for consistent "boots on the ground" learning, but also as a place full of friendly and supportive people.  The vast pathologies at Children's in addition to the delivery opportunities at GW seemed like the perfect training for a budding neonatologist.
    • Research Interest: Neonatal nutrition and education
    • Fun Fact: In my freshman year of college, I learned how to row and competed at the NCAA Rowing Championships.
    Headshot of Caroline-Wambach

    Caroline Wambach, M.D.

    • Medical School: Georgetown University
    • Residency: Rush University
    • Why Children’s National: I chose Children’s because of the opportunity to rotate at both a large, level IV NICU with a wide range of pathologies as well as a smaller, level III NICU with delivery experience. Additionally, I have always loved DC and was excited to move back!
    • Research Interest: Neurodevelopmental outcomes
    • Fun Fact: I am a Chicago native (go Cubs!), sought-after dog walker and sitter, and an outdoor enthusiast!