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Pain Medicine Care Complex Referral Guidelines

Children’s National Pediatric Pain Medicine Program is an interdisciplinary, research-based pain program for children’s acute and long-term pain—one of only a few such programs in the United States and around the world.

Children have access to experts in pain from every discipline, including psychologists, physical therapists, alternative therapies and traditional medical treatments; all on an outpatient basis.

Most children seen in the Pediatric Pain Medicine Clinic are referred for pain that has lasted longer than four to six weeks and severely impacts the child's quality of life, or for children for whom all standard treatments for pain have failed. Pain is more than a physical injury. Pain has social, emotional and psychological impacts as well, and not just on the child experiencing the pain, but also on the family and friends around that child.

Our personalized approach is tailored to each child's unique needs and is based on the latest, research-proven approaches to pain medicine. This includes standard therapies and some research-proven alternatives, including multi-sensory techniques that maximize the power of all five senses, focusing a child's attention on the senses less impacted by that pain (sight, sound, taste or smell) to distract and deflect. 

How to Refer

  • Referring physicians, please fax referral to 202-476-3018 and complete the patient's medical history.
  • Phone: 202-476-6765
physicians sitting at table

Physician Access Line

Need to reach a Children's National specialist for a quick consult about a patient in your care? Call our Physician Access Line at 202-476-4880.

physicians sitting at table
Physicians talking

Reach Out to Your Physician Liaison

Our physician liaisons help providers with referring a patient for treatment, providing referral pads and obtaining medical records. Leave us a message and we'll follow up with you.

Physicians talking
Doctor examining a patient

Outpatient Appointment Referral Pads (PDFs)

Download the version you'd like below, or request to have one be mailed to you.

Doctor examining a patient