Child Health Advocacy Institute Equity and Policy Elective

A diverse workforce of academic clinicians equipped with the skills to dismantle structural inequities is essential to improving the health of all patients, in particular, those of systemically disadvantaged and under-resourced backgrounds.
The CHAI Equity and Policy Elective is a structured, two-week elective that will expose participants to pertinent topics in pediatric health equity through didactic lectures and asynchronous readings. Students will also engage in discussions with physicians and field experts who are experienced in advocacy, equity and health policy. As future physicians, students will be able to apply this knowledge to serve as physician-advocates.
Accepted applicants will be provided a stipend to cover travel and accommodation expenses. All applicants are welcomed though we are particularly interested in those with diverse life experiences and backgrounds.
How to Apply
Applicants must be in good standing at their medical school and have completed core clinical clerkships with passing grades by the time of participation in the elective.
Please complete our online application by 11:59pm (EST) on Friday, April 28, 2023.
For more information, email us.