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Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship

In conjunction with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), we accept applications from highly qualified graduates of U.S. and Canadian internal medicine-pediatrics residencies for our four-year fellowship program. Med-Peds infectious diseases (ID) fellows spend one year each training in clinical pediatric infectious diseases and clinical adult infectious diseases. The remaining two years of training focus on a research topic chosen by the fellow. 

Following a one month orientation and experiences in clinical laboratory microbiology, hospital epidemiology and antimicrobial stewardship at NIAID, the first fellowship year is spent primarily in adult clinical infectious diseases, with rotations mainly at the NIH Clinical Center as well as short experiences at area academic hospitals and at a private ID practice outpatient setting. Two months are spent on clinical services at Children’s National Hospital. The second year of training has more time spent on the clinical services at Children's National, supplemented by additional experiences in adult ID and some research time. The third year is primarily research, and the fourth year is exclusively research.

Research opportunities are very broad and include all the resources available at NIAID and extend to other NIH opportunities as well as opportunities at Children's National and other area institutions. The research experience is tailored to the individual fellow’s interests and they receive significant mentoring to help them choose and complete research projects. 

How to Apply

Applications for this combined fellowship go through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) via the combined Medicine and Pediatric Specialties Matchat NIH/NIAID.

Successful matching in the combined Medicine and Pediatric Specialties Match Match at the NIH in ID guarantees a spot in the combined med-peds ID program in conjunction with Children’s National, without needing to match separately for the pediatric component.