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Caregiver Webinar Series: Sexuality Education and Neurodevelopment Disorders

Date: December 21, 2022
Location: Virtual


Please join Marsha Stepensky, M.S.Ed., BCBA, Sexuality Educator and Yetta Myrick, DC Autism Parent Founder and President to discuss sexuality education and neurodevelopmental disorder.

The Division of Psychology and Behavioral Health is collaborating with the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders to present an interactive webinar series for caregivers featuring experts from Children’s National Hospital.

Webinars are on the third Wednesday of each month from 12-1 p.m.

Please join Marsha Stepensky, M.S.Ed., BCBA, Sexuality Educator and Yetta Myrick, DC Autism Parent Founder and President to discuss sexuality education and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Register today!

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