Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Teens
Did you know that sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, are the most common diseases in the United States after the cold and flu? Around 12 million new cases of STIs are reported every year – almost 33,000 cases each day. 63% of these cases occur in people under 25 years old, and teenagers alone account for three million STI cases each year.
If you’re having any kind of sex, it’s important for you to stay informed about STIs. What are the different STIs? What are the symptoms? How are they spread? How do you prevent them? You can find these answers and more right here. Learn more about the different types of STIs:
Other Diseases
Other diseases that may be sexually transmitted include:
Meet the Providers Who Treat Sexually Transmitted Infections
Departments that Treat Sexually Transmitted Infections

Infectious Diseases
Our Division of Infectious Diseases is the major referral center for infectious diseases in the Washington, D.C., area, helping thousands of patients each year, and actively promoting prevention through community outreach and education. Learn more about this division.