Contact Rehabilitation & Specialized Care
Rehabilitation & Specialized Care - Bunker Hill
1731 Bunker Hill Road, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Department Phone Numbers
- Main Number: 202-832-4400 or 1-800-226-4444
- Admissions: 202-635-6151 or 1-800-226-4444
- 2 East Patient Unit: 202-635-4484
- 2 West Patient Unit: 202-635-4485
- Administration: 202-635-5787
- Medical Records: 202-635-6141
- Medical Staff Office: 202-635-6138
- Outpatient Services: 202-635-5580
- Protective Services: 202-635-6187
- Speak-up Hotline: 1-866-566-3462
- Volunteer Services: 202-635-6191
Mobility Machine
To make a referral or schedule a clinic in your area, contact Shannon Bowles, PT, ATP/SMS.
Outpatient Centers
Rehabilitation & Specialized Care - Bunker Hill Road
Rehabilitation & Specialized Care at Bunker Hill Road provides easy access to a range of family-centered medical and therapy services to meet your child's needs.
Rehabilitation & Specialized Care - Lanham
Children's National Rehabilitation & Specialized Care at Lanham provides pediatric healthcare services located in Prince George's County.
Rehabilitation & Specialized Care - Rockville
Children's National Rehabilitation & Specialized Care at Rockville provides both inpatient and outpatient services.