Rehabilitation & Specialized Care - Lanham
Phone: 301-560-3640
About this Location
Children's National Rehabilitation & Specialized Care at Lanham provides pediatric healthcare services located in Prince George's County.

Specialty Care
- PT/OT/SLP Individual Therapy: 202-461-3701
- Equipment/AT Clinic: 202-635-6167
- Feeding and Swallowing Program: 202-407-8952
- Behavioral Health & Psychiatry: 202-461-3700
Additional Contacts
- Finance and Billing: 301-519-9200
- Health Information/Medical Records: 202-635-6141
- Same Day Appointment Cancellations: 301-560-3640
- Weather Line: 202-635-6539
Faxing Orders/Referrals
- Therapy Orders: 202-635-6108
- Equipment/AT Clinic: 202-461-2695
- Feeding and Swallowing Program: 202-635-6108
- Behavioral Health & Psychiatry: 202-635-6108
Additional Information
Parking Information
Rehabilitation & Specialized Care - Lanham is located in an office park near the intersection of Forbes Blvd and Martin Luther King, Jr. Hwy. You may use the parking lot located directly in front of the 4500 Forbes Blvd. office building.
Public Transportation Options
The closest Metro station to the Prince George's County Outpatient Center is New Carrollton on the Orange line. From New Carrollton, take the F13 bus in the direction of Washington Business Park. Get off at the Forbes Blvd. and Senate Drive bus stop, which is located across the street from the building entrance.
Insurance and Billing
This section will provide you with information about payment options, the billing process, accepted health plans, medical records and financial assistance.