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Science Café 360: Sleep, Stress, and Health

Date: November 5, 2014
Location: Busboys and Poets

1025 5th Street NW

Washington, DC


Researchers and Washington, DC, residents will discuss the critical role of stress on sleep and how sleep impacts health. 

Science Café 360 is a casual space for open dialogue between community members, researchers, and social scientists; a few gatherings are held throughout the year. At the November cafe, researchers and Washington, DC, residents will discuss the critical role of stress on sleep and how sleep impacts health. Clinical researchers will demystify what they do, how they do it, and why they think it may help residents. Science Café 360 is hosted the Community Advisory Boards within Howard University, Georgetown University, Children's National Health System, and George Washington University and supported by a NIH Clinical and Translational Award Grant.

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