Patient Portal
Families can access their child’s health information through MyChildrensPortal. The portal offers you convenient access for your needs – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Current patients
Accessing Our Patient Portal
Current patients have access to our patient portal, MyChildrensPortal, allowing you to conveniently prepare for your visit by sending messages, requesting appointments, refilling prescriptions or completing school forms and referrals. You can also check lab results and stay up-to-date on preventive care such as flu shots. The portal can be accessed anytime through your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Set-up Instructions
If you already have a MyChildrensPortal account for Children’s National specialty clinics, no action is needed. Your account will automatically include Children’s National primary care.
Patient families who do not already have MyChildrensPortal can request access in person at your next primary care appointment.
Some families may receive an email invitation from your care team to register for MyChildrensPortal. This email will come from Children’s National Hospital with a subject line titled “Children's National Hospital Invites you to join MyChildrensNationalPortal.”
Need More Information?
More information about registering for MyChildrensPortal and the features of the portal are available on the Children's National Hospital website. For all technical questions, portal support is available 24/7 at 1-877-621-8014.